Exhibition News

March 18 - 20, 2025 | MVC Crocus Expo | Moscow

Online registration of visitors for HouseHold Expo, Stylish Home and ChristmasBox Gifts autumn 2022 has been opened

We welcome specialists of the industry to take part in the work of the major in Russia international exhibitions of goods for home, country house, interior items and gifts, which are to take place on September 13-15 in Crocus Expo IEC (pavilion 2):

Report on section on branding of goods for home and household chemistry (includes video and presentations)

In the framework of 28th international industrial exhibition of non-food goods HouseHold Expo-2022, the Association of Branding Companies of Russia held a traditional section on branding of goods for home and household chemistry ‘How to increase sales twice using the power of the brand. Secrets of success from the leading experts on branding’.